Bones stripped bare of flesh
Pumping blood
The organs and cartilage and gristle
Wetness, slipperiness and mess
Leaving a dry clean purity
The bare bones of a woman
Insignificant, unimportant, of little or no consequence, of little or no account, of no moment, neither here nor there…
Bones stripped bare of flesh
Pumping blood
The organs and cartilage and gristle
Wetness, slipperiness and mess
Leaving a dry clean purity
The bare bones of a woman
You have told me all my life
How to think and how to be
That what I am is not good enough
That I need to be more like you
And keep my mouth shut if I don’t agree
You are still doing it I notice
In another guise
Although you are all dressed up
I can see through you.
Ink drawing on Japanese paper
BoneFeatherBodice, ink on Japanese paper
Allium seed pods
Creamy white empty
Crinkled sleeves
Along the seam
Runs the straight back bone
Holding it all together
Drawing ink on Japanese paper, allium seed pods, ribcage, opened bodice
Imagine a fall of white bones
Bleached and porous
They would not drift gently
Like feathers
But fall with a rush
Clattering together
And landing in a heap
Bonefall, ink on Japanese paper
My advice to you, dear daughter
is to press your feet firmly into the ground
Feel the earth between your toes
The dirt and grit and stuff of life
Feel it in your body
It is full weight moving upwards
Then lift your chin and face what is in front of you
Stare it unflinchingly in the eye
And give it what for
indian ink on paper
Your need to express
To go out there and be extreme
Took all the space
I hid in a safe inward place
Now there is no need to adjust the balance in this way
But I still find myself trying to lean out far into quiet
Just to tip the weight into the centre
Ink on Japanese paper
A feather
A bone
Fragile yet strong
Feathers and bone, ink on Japanese paper
Feathers falling
Through bone
Like water but
Light as air
ink on Japanese paper
The tendon is damaged, torn from the bone, it needs time and stillness to heal. The surface is without feeling but there is a deep ache in the bone. It was a small thing that caused it, holding tight to anxiety, clutching fears closely, afraid to let go. The sadness comes in dreams, gently and you are there, quietly being you. You worried in life but in dreams you are more reassuring, as if just your presence is enough.
Skirt, ink on Japanese paper